Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Aon Postcard

Chicago, May 25th

From camera phone, touched up on Photoshop.
"Aon Postcard"

Monday, May 24, 2010

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Five Shots Two Months One Pond

Been taking pictures from the same spot of North Pond in Lincoln Park off of Fullerton in Chicago. Here are the first five shots so far, covering the middle of March to the middle of May: Post Winter > Spring. Though the May shot from yesterday is borderline Summer, do I dare: Sprimmer? Summing? weak.


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Wrigley Field 5.17.10

I go to lots of Cubs games living right down the street, and I take lots of pictures. As of the moment I don't really have a "real" camera, like an SLR or even a decent pocket cam, so I end up taking pictures from my 1.3 megapixel camera phone (and they come out okay, most of the pictures on this blog are from my phone).

Here are two shots from Wrigley on Monday, May 15th, a night game against the Rockies. It was very cold and windy, as it's been in Chicago all Spring. The Cubs won in the 11th with a walk off home run from Aramis Ramirez. I put this together on Photoshop.

     click image for large photo


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

head for the eye of whatever it is that pulls you to the edge!


i sit in my living room a lot listening to cars pass by and the wind rattling the blinds, and then I realize I'm physically sitting in moving time and space. i can feel time moving forward. then I hurriedly change into board shorts and jump on my bike and ride into the loop where i disembark and stand beneath the shadow of brick and steel waiting for any kind of overwhelmingly visceral experience to occur... but nothing ever happens. so i keep riding, heading for the eye of whatever it is that pulls me to the edge.
