Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Saturday, July 10, 2010

The Perpetual Log (July)

Five Months
I didn't realize how dark the pictures were getting until recently, notice the sudden switch to daylight shots toward the end of the video.

It's interesting too, the pictures go slightly faster than the accordion tempo but a couple seconds in your brain seems to compensate for the delay and the tempo and the pictures appear to line up. I still can't tell if they actually do, or if it is in fact an illusion.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Alley Set

"Alley Set" © Zach Straw
original photograph.
used the clone stamp tool in photoshop.


Took this picture the day I saw Phish 3D, I think it was May 13th. The movie theater, to which the Pegasus belongs, is adjacent to O'Hare airport.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

A Lesson in Present History

Don't let it pass you by! I failed to take a picture on June 12th, the day of the Ohio Phish show, due to traveling and not having a camera. This will never happen again. I am now the proud owner of a Fujifilm 8.2 megapixel pocket cam, the best camera eighty dollars will get you at Target, and I hereby promise to never miss a daily photo again.

Thirty Days of June


Bike Salute

This is from May 30th, 2010, during Bike the Drive. Just got it off my camera.

Bike Salute!