Thursday, April 1, 2010

Arboreal Sunset and the Lakeview Night Riders

9th Ride: Documenting for the sake of documentation; I said I would so I will. 

Night Ride: Got to watch the sunset at Grant & Lee (pictures included) then got back into the city around 8:30 pm. Took off shortly after. No pictures from the ride and the route was short, around 9 miles, and identical to ride number two, which is kind of my throwback route. It is still crazy windy out but beyond enjoyable nonetheless given the eighty or so nighttime degrees we have going. Lots of other evening folk out and about Lakeview and the surrounding neighborhoods.

The picture below is from Grant and Lee, a field in the North suburbs, taken today, April 1st, 2010.

This next picture, also from Grant and Lee, I tidied up a bit on photoshop. The original two shots were taken from my phone, an LG Chocolate 2nd Gen with a 1.3 megapixel camera. Does the job sometimes. 


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