Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Oh High on the City Trail

7th ride of the season, first ride of Spring! And my first completion of 2009's full route. Which, when google map'd, came out to 23.2 miles, 1.2 miles longer than I thought. If I'm hitting up this route in March, which is the route that capped my season last year, I can only assume it will grow from here.

Northern most point: Foster and Damen. Southern most point: Roosevelt and Lake Shore Drive / Adler Planetarium.

Ride Number Seven:

Click map for magnified image. 

Took lots of pictures. I tweeted the hell out of the ride, too. Click any of the images for slightly bigger pictures. To be able to see so much in one ride, from the Northern suburban-like neighborhoods, all the way down to the grandeur of the new city, it's a pretty awesome sensation.  I want to start exploring the world on my bike.

 Old Chicago College. NM point of ride: 
Foster and Damen

Crew putting up a Toyota sign at 
Wrigley Field

Fullerton and Lake Shore Drive,
facing South

Flipside: about 12 minutes later from the Shedd 
Aquarium back lawn, facing North

From my Chocolate: an amazing 1.3 megapixels. 
Great shot of #chicago

I used the gravitational pull of Adler Planetarium
to slingshot myself back into the city!

The Trump Building. One of my favorite new 
additions. From Wabash & Wacker.

A true "on the go" snapshot! In Old Town
at Menomonee and Sedgwick.

First ride of Spring went well. Things are warming up here in Chicago, although we'll probably get at least one more snowstorm before it really starts to get warm out.

Happy City Trails!

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